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Analisis Efisiensi Rantai Pasok Logistik Minyak Goreng di Kotamadya Jakarta Timur (Studi Kasus: Pasar X)
Natalia, Christine
Efficiency Analysis
Marketing Margines Approach
Supply Chain Map
Origin-Destination Matrices
Cooking Oil
(ID )
Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Unika Atma Jaya
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Theses - Undergraduate Thesis
Amelia's Undergraduate Theses.pdf
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Cooking oil is one of the nine primary sustenance which existence is very important to the Indonesian society. The government’s ability to control the supply of cooking oil to provide the public in the appropriate amount, time and cost is necessary to prevent a deficit in the market. Indonesia as an islandic country have a few obstacles in the distribution of supply chain. Those obstacles exist because of the non-existence of an integrated logistical plan, effective regulation, decent infrastructure and high cost of distribution and transportation. The mapping and analysis of the supply chain efficiency will help the government to determine a good logistic system plan. X market is the biggest market in Eastern Jakarta, where the distribution volume of cooking oil is. Like other market in Indonesia, X market does not have an integrated logistical plan and effective distribution path. That is why a mapping and efficiency analysis is needed to help reach a good logistic system. In this research, author uses the data results from a survey of distribution pattern of commodity in 2009 that was conducted by the BPS to determine members of the supply chain and the distribution pattern. Next, to conduct an efficiency analysis of the supply chain, author conducted interviews withe members of said supply chain. The data processing is initialized by creating a recapitulation of the supply chain members and the traded commodity volumes and creating a matrices of origins-destination to create a gepgraphical map that shows their location. The mapping results are then used in creating the X market supply chain efficiency analysis. Effieciency is measured by using marketing margines approach and comparing the income ratio with the total cost. The chosen distribution path is a supply route from Tanjung Priok that gives the least marketing cost and an even income ratio to all its members. This analysis is used to help plan an integrated logistic system in providing supply of cooking oil amidst the population density and traffic in Eastern Jakarta especially consumers of cooking oil in X market.
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