Anda belum login :: 17 Feb 2025 13:28 WIB
ArtikelDimensionality and construct validity of language tests  
Oleh: Henning, Grant
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Language Testing (Full Text & ada di PROQUEST dari th 1998 - terbaru) vol. 9 no. 1 (Jun. 1992), page 1-12.
Fulltext: 1.pdf (627.99KB)
Isi artikelAt times ’unidimensional’ tests have been characterized as being unduly constrained in what they can measure, and ultimately as lacking construct validity for communicative language assessment since communicative language ability is held to be ’multidimensional’ in nature. This simulation study considers the effects on statistical measures of test dimensionality that result from systematic sampling variation in both a single and a double-trait assessment model. Results are offered as evidence that there are both psychological and psychometric states of test dimensionality that are distinct, and that psychometric unidimensionality is not at all exclusive of psychological multidimensionality. Moreover, it is argued that psychometric unidimensionality may often be rather more reflective than detractive of construct validity, even when complex multidimensional constructs underlie performance on the test.
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