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BukuUsulan Penerapan Metodologi DMAIC untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Berat Produk di Lini Produksi Filling (Studi Kasus: PT. JAVA EGG SPECIALITIES, Cikupa)
Author: NATALIA, AGNES ; Surbakti, Feliks Prasepta Sejahtera (Advisor)
Topik: Six Sigma; DMAIC; Product Weight; Process Capability; ANOVA.
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Unika Atma Jaya     Tempat Terbit: Jakarta    Tahun Terbit: 2011    
Jenis: Theses - Undergraduate Thesis
Fulltext: Agnes Natalia's Undergraduate Theses.pdf (4.29MB; 40 download)
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: FTI-725
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
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PT. Java Egg Specialities is one of manufacturing company which produce various kinds of processed egg. Surely the company engaged in food sector must be very concerned about quality of its products. According to the research done, the nonconformance quality of final products are found frequently. This nonconformance quality is found in filling line production in which there is weighting activity inside. Product weights do not meet the target wanted or having much enough variation are produced frequently. That thing interferes productivity dan time efficiency, especially because high frequency level of production. The problem is sought an alternative solution with Six Sigma method. In this method research is done through 5 DMAIC steps, namely: define, measure, analyze, improve, and control, which is many method and quality tools used inside. Define phase identifies the relationship between production elements in SIPOC Diagram, makes a flow chart to identify filling process, and determine the critical to quality to be examined which is product weight. Measure phase is done measurement with X-bar S control chart, all out of control values is eliminated and then calculating the capability process. Cp is obtained 1,09 and Cpk 0,95 for pouch packaging, and Cp 1,09 and Cpk 1,08 for bottle. DPMO and sigma level which got from performance baseline measurement, are 1.117 and 4,33 sigmas for pouch packaging, whereas 2,276 and 4,55 sigmas in bottle packaging. All of the calculation results is analyzed in analyze phase, making the fishbone diagram, and FMEA. Root causes from each factor of weight nonconformance are influence of machine setting, machines are not stable, not accurate in setting the machine, less in practice and understood, primary packaging weight has not exactly the same, presence of air bubbles, and the way of pouring emulsion. FMEA potential failure mode is weight that doesn’t meet the target or even out of specification limit. RPN value for failure mode is 72. Improvement experiment is done with analyze using 5W-2H method and the experiment execution in improve phase. The executing experiment used One Way ANOVA method to find the best alternative about how many cycle. According to the research results there is no significant influence in many cycle difference in the amount of ± 1. Control phase of six sigma implementation submitted on company wisdom. Controlling including preventive maintenance suggestion in filling machine regularly in order to keep performance optimalization of machine and prevent the occurrence of severe damage.
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