Nowadays every college in the world tries to improve quality in various ways against the reference standard of quality that has been made. But the improved quality of reference standards are always academic standards and service management that can be felt if you are already registered or implement education there. Therefore, to find out how far the quality of college are then formed an organization that does the rating of a number of universities in the world based on the college’s web publishing that is called WRWU (Webometrics Ranking of World University) or Webometrics. Webometrics uses the help of several internet search engines for collecting the data each indicators. The indicators are Visibility, Size, Rich Files and Scholar. At this time rating’s result for Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (UAJ) is still below from other college in Webometrics measurement. Considering the four indicators contained in the Webometrics, the rank of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia expected to increase. There are procedures that must be taken by Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia for improvement in the Webometrics rankings for each indicator. These procedures have been proven by increasing the number of points with listed the result of procedures in the search engines. |