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Can relatively perfect translation between English and Chinese be achieved?
Xiao, Suyi
Oller, John W.
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Language Testing (Full Text & ada di PROQUEST dari th 1998 - terbaru) vol. 11 no. 3 (Nov. 1994)
page 1-24.
Isi artikel
It may be hypothesized that translation is always possible among diverse languages (Lakoff, 1987) or that it is never possible (Givón, 1989). In order to provide empirical evidence, 250 speakers of English and Chinese were tested in randomly selected blocks of 25 subjects each on one version of an original and another of a translated text in their respective native languages. A fixedratio cloze procedure was used deleting every fifth word from two distinct versions over each text so that every word of both texts was clozed exactly once in one of the five versions. English speaking subjects (n = 125) completed two cloze tests in English: one over the text originally written in English and another over the text translated from Chinese. Chinese-speaking subjects (n = 125) also completed two tests: one over the text originally written in Chinese, and the other over the translation from English. MANOVA comparisons between originals and translations irrespective of group showed no significant contrast. There was, however, a small but significant (p < .05) contrast between groups, but none between the passages averaging over the treatment and group. Results support the universality theory (along Peircean lines) and the conclusion that a high degree of translation equivalence is achievable across radically distinct languages and cultural settings.
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