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Artikeldo instructional practices contribute to inequality in achievement?: the case of mathematics instruction in kindergarten  
Oleh: Bodovski, Katerina ; Farkas, George
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal Of Early Childhood Research vol. 05 no. 03 (Oct. 2007), page 301–322.
Topik: achievement; educational inequality; kindergarten instruction; mathematics instruction
Fulltext: 301.pdf (212.78KB)
Isi artikelWe use multilevel modeling of ECLS-K data (a nationally representative sample of American kindergarteners) to describe the process and content of kindergarten mathematics instruction, as well as the associations of such instruction with achievement gaps by social class and race/ethnicity. Where instructional effectiveness is concerned, time spent on two of the process characteristics – traditional math and group/interactive activities – was signifi cantly and positively associated with achievement gains. Time spent on three of the content variables – advanced counting, practical math, and single-digit operations – was associated with increased achievement. Time spent on basic numbers/shapes signifi cantly decreased achievement. Classes with a high percentage of African American students were particularly likely to receive full-day kindergarten, which increased total instructional time, and this may have modestly decreased the achievement growth gap for these classes. Overall, kindergarten instructional practices were found to modestly reduce the mathematics achievement growth gap of African American students, but have no signifi cant effects on the achievement growth gaps of lower social class or Hispanic students.
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