Anda belum login :: 24 Nov 2024 04:19 WIB
BukuRelationship between quality of mediated interaction and the enhancement of the communication and self-regulation abilities, in children with language disorder
Author: Gatica, Fernando González
Topik: Cognitive Development; Language Disorders; Structural Cognitive Modifiability; Mediated Learning Experience; Learning Propensity; Mediation Criteria
Bahasa: (EN )    
Tahun Terbit: 0    
Jenis: Article - diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah internasional
Fulltext: ingles_gonzalez.pdf (55.48KB; 7 download)
From a general development overview, where individual and contextual factors must be considered, the human being undergoes an evolution according to him/her own structure, capacities and functioning, keeping with the adaptation to the context and social-cultural environment, so that each person has the propensity to change and makes progress in his/her development. Considering the fact that the capacities may show deficiencies and the abilities have less entity, it is also well known that this condition corresponds to a unique development process in which any achievement will be significant and peculiar of every individual and his/her history or context.
When we meet a child with a special disorder, it seems obvious that the differences between him/her and other one who does not have a special need, even if he is younger. For instance, this happens with the development of those functions, which are responsible of socio – communicational process in individuals with very severe languages problems. Although they can show pre-verbal behaviours, the interest of shearing their attention and own experiences with others does not exist. The development of that intentionality and the motivation for shearing with others mainly depends on the quality of the interactions between the adult and the child, which are often offered in a deficient way proving the incapacity to pass on the meaning of objects and events which are around the child through a unique attention process carried out between the adult and the child together.
Considering the results, which come from a pragmatical prospective, the validity of several increasing communications systems in people with language and communicational disorders has been reinforced. However, it remains one aspect that has not been enough studied or analysed because of its probably complexity: the internalisation of the communicating strategy that has been learned; its autonomous using in similar context where it was acquired and its transferring to others different contexts.
The present work introduces the outcomes of the current research which main goal is addressed to analyse the relationship between the quality of mediated interaction and the enhancement of the communication and self-regulation abilities in children with a severe language disorder, using a register of interventions. The modality of the intervention is based on the unique effect and benefit produced by the three specific and universal criteria of mediation: intentionality and reciprocity, trascendence and meaning. Many significant changes observed in the development of communications skills and its impact on the self-regulation process is prompted by these three parameters.
The prospective used in this research has been the theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability and Mediated Learning Experience developed by Reuven Feuerstein. This study systematizes a large group of interactions between those mediators who are in charge of the intervention program and two children with Down syndrome and autism spectrum diagnosis.
This work is being developing by the professional and academic staff of the Cognitive Development Centre that belongs to Diego Portales University of Santiago de Chile.
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