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JurnalCurrent Issues in Language Planning vol. 9 no. 3 (2008)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 1466-4208    Year:: 2008    
Penerbit: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
Jenis: Journal
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Current Issues in Language Planning]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Assessment Policy in Teacher Education: Responding to the Personnel Implications of Language Policy Changes, halaman 235-248
  2. Language Evaluation Policies and the Use of Support Resources in Assessments of Language Proficiency, halaman 249-261
  3. Interaction of Language Policy and Assessment in Finland, halaman 262-281
  4. Putting Germany’s Language Tests to the Test: An Examination of the Development, Implementation and Efficacy of Using Language Proficiency Tests to Mediate German Citizenship, halaman 282-298
  5. The Affects of Language Assessment Policies in Speech-Language Pathology on the Educational Experiences of Indigenous Students, halaman 299-316
  6. Language Proficiency Testing and the Expatriate Medical Practitioner in Malawi, halaman 317-326
  7. Assessing the Language Proficiency of Tribal Heritage Language Learners: Issues and Concerns for American Indian Pueblo Languages, halaman 327-343
  8. The Role of Assessment in Policy- Making for Languages Education in Australian Schools: A Struggle for Legitimacy and Diversity, halaman 344-362
  9. Overview Language Policy and Language Assessment: The Relationship, halaman 363-373

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