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JurnalLanguage Learning Journal vol. 7 (1993)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 1753-2167    Year:: 1993    
Penerbit: Routledge
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Language Learning Journal]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Method and mythology, halaman 2-4
  2. OXPROD: a summative account, halaman 5-8
  3. Assessing the prepared topic in A-level speaking, halaman 9-12
  4. Taking the 'de' out of demotivation, halaman 13-16
  5. Working with an A-level literature text: twenty-two ideas for target language activities, halaman 17-18
  6. The Abitur Examination, halaman 19-21
  7. Oral assessment: the views of language teachers, halaman 22-26
  8. Continuity and change in language examination styles, halaman 27-30
  9. Developing Information Technol.ogy lhrough in-service and initial teacher education: a hypercard project, halaman 31-36
  10. A-level French: case-study of an intensive course, halaman 36-41
  11. Teaching 'culture' at A-level, halaman 42-44
  12. The European dimension in teacher education, halaman 45-46
  13. The special needs of the deaf foreign language learner, halaman 47-49
  14. Practicable skills and practical constraints in FL reading, halaman 50-54
  15. What is grammar, who is she?, halaman 55-58
  16. Towards a learner-centred technique of teaching grammar, halaman 59-63
  17. Spanish teaching in one county, halaman 64-69

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