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JurnalLanguage Learning Journal vol. 13 (1996)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 1753-2167    Year:: 1996    
Penerbit: Routledge
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Language Learning Journal]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Modern languages in the primary school: investigating present practice, halaman 2-5
  2. Teaching Modern Languages to visually impaired children, halaman 6-9
  3. German in the classroom: what the pupils think, halaman 10-15
  4. Early !oreign langua le reading competence: some ,ssues and evidence, halaman 16-18
  5. Marking GCSE role-play, halaman 19-21
  6. Pupil.learning styles and foreign language learning, halaman 22-24
  7. GCSE decisions in the joint languages model: a case study, halaman 25-28
  8. Video, an extra dimension to the study of literature, halaman 29-31
  9. Methodological issues in textbook composition, halaman 32-35
  10. The cultural aims of modern language teaching: why are they not being met?, halaman 36-37
  11. A case for increasing negative affect in foreign language classes, halaman 38-41
  12. Teaching listening skills to JFL students in Australia, halaman 42-44
  13. The International Baccalaureate French Language B pilot project (1991-1995), halaman 45-50
  14. Evaluation as an aid to innovation in foreign language teaching: The 'SPARE' wheel moael , halaman 51-54
  15. is German vocabulary really so difficult?, halaman 55-57
  16. Will your NQT use IT?, halaman 58-61
  17. Student interaction when using CALL, halaman 62-64
  18. Using newspapers on CD-ROM as a resource, halaman 65-66

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