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JurnalLanguage Learning Journal vol. 24 (2001)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 1753-2167    Year:: 2001    
Penerbit: Routledge
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Language Learning Journal]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Teaching Geography through a foreign language: how to make text accessible to learners at different levels, halaman 4-11
  2. "This side of the Rhine": Implausibility in translation texts, halaman 12-16
  3. Cross-cultural learning through computer-mediated communication, halaman 17-23
  4. Electronic reference tools for foreign languages: offline vocabulary programs, halaman 24-29
  5. Hot Potatoes version 5, halaman 30-33
  6. Doing it on the web, halaman 34-35
  7. The National Literacy Strategy- what's in it for modern language teachers?, halaman 37-42
  8. Towards a rationale for foreign language education: re-stating my reservations, halaman 43-47
  9. Patterns of uptake of modern foreign language examinations in England 1984 to 1999, halaman 48-52
  10. Teaching communication strategies to beginners, halaman 53-61
  11. Using quality and accuracy ratings to quantify the value added of a dictionary skills training course, halaman 62-69
  12. In other journals, halaman 70-72

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