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ArtikelPemaksimalan Kuota 30% Perempuan di Parlemen: Dilema Perumusan Variabel Teknis Pemilu Dalam UU No. 10/2008  
Oleh: Supriyanto, Didik
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional
Dalam koleksi: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan no. 27 (2008), page 80-90.
Topik: Perempuan; Parlemen; Pemilu; UU No. 10/2008
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: II74.1
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikelThe effort made by group of women to increase the number of women in parliament by democratic electoral mechanism will collide with obstacles derived from political parties, both at leadership and parliament members' level. Although the courageous effort made during 2002-2003 caused a significant progress, those women are of the opinion that the progress obtained is not more than a first step of a million steps which should be done, and it is a victory of limited scope of action. This mentioned progress should be found in the stipulations at Laws No. 31/2002 and No. 12/2003. The Law No. 31/2003 introduces the principle of justice on gender at the leadership level of political parties. While the Law No. 12/2003, at the first time, introduces the policy on quota of 30% of women representation in parliament. Those stipulations which regulate on political parties and general election are, merely, of normative character, because they don't contain any sanction against who violates those stipulations. Even so, compared to what has happened during the previous regime, those stipulations are, in fact, one political gigantic jumping, because Orde Baru regime completely nullifies the role of women in the political field. Empirical data show that in general election of 1999, the representation of women in parliament was 45 persons or 9% in 500 members of parliament, and the result of general election of 2004 the number of representation of women increased to 61 persons or 11% in 550 persons members of parliament. This paper will discuss the struggle of women alliance to make amendment of political laws in order to increase the level of women representation.
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