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BukuThe impact of different teaching methods on students’ arithmetic and self-regulated learning skills(in The Educational Psychology in Practice Vol. 24, No. 3)
Author: Samuelsson, Joakim
Topik: Mathematics; Teaching Methods; Arithmetic Skills; Self-Regulated Learning Skills
Bahasa: (EN )    Edisi: September 2008    
Penerbit: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group     Tempat Terbit: New York    Tahun Terbit: 2008    
Jenis: Article - diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah internasional
Fulltext: ContentServer.pdf (125.52KB; 6 download)
The present study examines the effect of three different structured methods, traditional,
independent and problem-solving, of teaching children arithmetic in the beginning of 7th
grade in Sweden, age 13 years. The progress made by these students is presented by measures
of their arithmetic ability, calculation and quantitative concept, as well as their self-regulated
learning skills in mathematics, characterised as internal and instrumental motivation, selfconcept
and anxiety. The results will be discussed with reference to a socio-cultural
perspective. This study has a split-plot factorial design with time as within-subject and type
of intervention as a between-subject factor. The results show that there are no significant
differences between teaching methods when assessing arithmetic in total and calculation.
Students’ progress in quantitative concepts is significantly better if teachers teach traditionally
or with a problem-based curriculum. In order to develop aspects of self-regulating learning
skills, the results show that pupils would benefit in a traditional or problem-solving
curriculum. Problem-solving seems to be more effective than traditional and independent
work for students’ internal motivation. Traditional work and problem-solving are more
effective than independent work for students’ self-concept.
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