Anda belum login :: 23 Nov 2024 13:55 WIB
BukuDynamic Nature of Trust in Virtual Teams (in Sprouts 2(2))
Author: Kanawattanachai, Prasert ; Yoo, Youngjin
Topik: Trust; Virtual Team; Computer-Mediated Communication
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: Sprouts     Tempat Terbit: Amsterdam    Tahun Terbit: 2002    
Jenis: Article - diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah internasional
Fulltext: 020204.pdf (432.66KB; 1 download)
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Building on the theory of swift trust, we empirically examine the dynamic nature of trust and its changing patterns in both cognitive and affective elements between high- and low-performing teams over time (early, middle, and late stages of project). Using data from 38, four-person student teams from six universities competing in a web-based business simulation game over eight-week periods, we found that both high- and low-performing teams started with similar levels of trust in both cognitive and affective dimensions. However, high-performing teams were better at developing and maintaining the trust level throughout the project life. Moreover, virtual teams relied more on a cognitive than an affective element of trust. These findings provide a preliminary step toward understanding the dynamic nature and relative importance of cognition- and affect-based trust over time.
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