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JurnalSocial Science & Medicine ( vol. 68 no. 8 (Apr. 2009)
Topik: Science; Medicine
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0277-9536    Year:: 2009    Bulan: 04    Edisi: Apr 2009    
Penerbit: Elsevier
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Social Science & Medicine (]
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: SS53
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Evidence of Localized Clustering of Gastroschisis Births in North Carolina, 1999–2004, halaman 1361-1367
  2. The Dynamics of Income and Neighborhood Context for Population Health: Do Long-term Measures of Socioeconomic Satus Eplain more of the Back/Wite Health Disparity than Single-point-in-time Measures? , halaman 1368-1375
  3. Conceptualizing Community: A Comparison of Neighborhood Characteristics of Supportive Housing for Persons with Psychiatric and Developmental Disabilities, halaman 1376-1387
  4. Pioneers and Laggards – Is the Effect of Gender Equality on Health Dependent on Context?, halaman 1388-1395
  5. Job Loss is Bad for Your Health – Swedish Evidence on Cause-specific Hospitalization Following Involuntary Job Loss, halaman 1396-1406
  6. Social Patterns of Pay Systems and Their Associations With Psychosocial Job Characteristics and Burnout Among Paid Employees in Taiwan, halaman 1407-1415
  7. Does School Environment Affect 11-year-olds' Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Denmark?, halaman 1416-1424
  8. Do Childhood and Adult Socioeconomic Circumstances Influence Health and Physical Function In Middle-age?, halaman 1425-1431
  9. Do Consultation Charges Deter General Practitioner Use Among Older People? A Natural Experiment, halaman 1432-1438
  10. Tobacco Control Policies Are Egalitarian: A Vulnerabilities Perspective on Clean Indoor Air Laws, Cigarette Prices, ond Tobacco Use Disparities, halaman 1439-1447
  11. Writing Social Determinants Into and Out of Cancer Control: An Assessment of Policy Practice, halaman 1448-1455
  12. ‘Fruit of the Accords’: Healthcare Reform and Civil Participation in Highland Guatemala, halaman 1456-1463
  13. Ritual and the Organisation of Care in Primary Care Clinics in Cape Town, South Africa, halaman 1464-1471
  14. Genetics on Stage: Public Engagement in Health Policy Development on Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, halaman 1472-1480
  15. Imagining Value, Imagining Users: Academic Technology Transfer for Health Innovation, halaman 1481-1488
  16. Negotiating Science and Experience in Medical Knowledge: Gynaecologists on Endometriosis , halaman 1489-1497
  17. Diagnosing and Treating Premenstrual Syndrome in Five Western Nations, halaman 1498-1505
  18. A Dialogic Model of Conversations about Risk: Coordinating Perceptions and Achieving Quality Decisions in Cancer, halaman 1506-1512
  19. Media Saturation, Communication Exposure and HIV Stigma in Nigeria, halaman 1513-1520
  20. Combining Education and Video-based Contact to Reduce Stigma of Mental Illness: “The Same or not The Same” Anti-Stigma Program for Secondary Schools in Hong Kong, halaman 1521-1526
  21. Perceived Financial Status, Health, and Maladjustment in Adolescence, halaman 1527-1534
  22. Partner- and Partnership-Related Risk Factors for Preterm Birth among Low-Income Women in Lima, Peru, halaman 1535-1540
  23. Can Sex Workers Regulate Police? Learning From an HIV Prevention Project for Sex Workers in Southern India, halaman 1541-1547
  24. Rethinking Gender-based Violence during War: Is Violence Against Civilian Men a Problem Worth Addressing?, halaman 1548-1551
  25. Illegality as Risk Factor: A Survey of Unauthorized Migrant Patients in a Berlin Clinic, halaman 1552-1560

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