Anda belum login :: 17 Feb 2025 11:06 WIB
BukuHemoglobin Regeneration and Distribution of Iron, Copper and Zinc in Hepatic subcelluler frantions of Rats Fed with Tempe Diets (in Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress Vol 1 No 1)
Author: Astuti, Mary ; Kasaoka, Seiichi ; Goto, Shiro ; Adnan, Mochamad
Topik: Hemoglobin; Rats; Iron; Tempe
Bahasa: (EN )    
Tahun Terbit: 1994    
Jenis: Article - diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah internasional
Fulltext: 14.pdf (157.07KB; 0 download)
Hemoglobin regeneration efficiency was used to predict the iron availability of tempe diet by the method of depletion and repletion using rats for animal experiment. Hemoglobin regeneration efficiency of tempe showed the same effect with casein diet and unfermented soybean and tempe diets were distributed in hepatic subcelluler fractions in the same pattern. The highest level of iron and zinc were found in the cytosolic fraction and copper was found in the nuclear fraction. The different pattern among those trace minerals indicates that they have distinct roles in hemoglobin synthesis and metabolism
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