Tecnical analysis is one of the methods in helping investors to make critical and rational decision making in investing their money in the capital market. Tecnical analysis also help investors to get useful informations such as when would be the right time to buy, to sell or to hold stocks so that it can reap maximum profit for the investors. To utalize the data analysis, the writer uses the mathematical formulas in these kind of methods: candlestick, trendline, simple moving average, relative strength index and stochastic oscillator to compare the profits the investors going to get versus the money he/she has already put in and the risks associated in investing in stock market. Then identifying which method yields the highest return with the lowest risk. The research shows that the results from the five methods above based on their profit return and the synergy that obtained from each analysis, we can conclude that in decision making in investing, investors need to prioritize his/her method to simple moving average model, yielding maximum profit return, while the risks associated with it is lower than other methods. |