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ArtikelThe 20-Minute Version as a Predictor of the Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices Test  
Oleh: Hamel, Ronald ; Schmittmann, Verena D.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Educational and Psychological Measurement vol. 66 no. 06 (Dec. 2006), page 1039-1046.
Topik: intelligence measures; Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices; test administration; group testing; 20-minute timed version
Fulltext: 1039.pdf (76.45KB)
Isi artikelThe Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices Test (APM) is a well-known measure of higher order general mental ability. The time to administer the test, 40 to 60 minutes, is sometimes regarded as a drawback. To meet efficiency needs, the APM can be administered as a 30- or 40-minute timed test, or one of two developed short versions could be used. In this study, the 20-minute timed version of the APM is compared to the untimed APMas a measure of intellectual ability in 1st-year psychology students. This 20-minute timed version proves to be an adequate predictor of the untimed APM score.
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