Anda belum login :: 17 Feb 2025 08:50 WIB
BukuExperts in action: inside public relations
Author: Cantor, Bill ; Burger, Chester (Editor)
Topik: Public relations--United States--Addresses essays lectures; Public relations consultants--United States--Addresses essays lectures; Industrial publicity--Addresses essays lectures; Public Relations; Industrial Publicity; Public Relations Consultants
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-582-28438-4    
Penerbit: Longman     Tempat Terbit: New York    Tahun Terbit: 1984    
Jenis: Books - Textbook
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: 659.2 CAN e
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
    • Dalam proses usulan: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Public Relations--What It Is And What It Does, halaman 1-6
  2. Government Relations, halaman 7-30
  3. Policy Planning, halaman 31-56
  4. Crisis Management, halaman 57-73
  5. Corporate Identity, halaman 74-83
  6. Investor Relations, halaman 84-101
  7. Employee Communication, halaman 102-110
  8. Community Relations , halaman 111-123
  9. Marketing Support, halaman 124-129
  10. Consumer Affairs, halaman 130-146
  11. Associstion Public Relations , halaman 147-158
  12. Corporate Advertising, halaman 159-174
  13. Publicity: Media Usage, halaman 175-184
  14. White House News Conference, halaman 185-191
  15. Lobbying, halaman 192-195
  16. Editorial Services, halaman 196-203
  17. Speech Writing, halaman 204-221
  18. Audio-Visual Techniques, halaman 220-235
  19. Special Events, halaman 236-261
  20. Fund Raising, halaman 262-272
  21. Research, halaman 273-287
  22. How Public Relations is Managed, halaman 289-290
  23. Planning, halaman 291-309
  24. Administering, halaman 310-317
  25. Budgeting, halaman 318-338
  26. Evaluating, halaman 339-362
  27. How Public Relations is Staffed, halaman 363-364
  28. Finding and Keeping The Right Public Relations People, halaman 365-377
  29. Where Public Relations Going, halaman 379-380
  30. Public Relations Faces The 21st Century, halaman 381-400

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