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ArtikelDesign Of The 100G Capturing Robot Based On Dynamic Preshaping  
Oleh: Higashimori, Mitsuru ; Kaneko, Makoto ; Namiki, Akio ; Ishikawa, Masatoshi
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: The International Journal of Robotics Research vol. 24 no. 9 (Sep. 2004), page 743-754.
Topik: high speed capturing; wire drive robot; mechanism design; preshaping
Fulltext: 743.pdf (1.31MB)
Isi artikelIn this paper we discuss the design of the 100G capturing robot from the point of view of dynamic pre-shaping where all finger links make contact with the target object simultaneously. After briefly explaining the overview of the 100G capturing robot, we mathematically formulate the dynamic pre-shaping problem where we discuss how to determine the mechanical parameters, such as pulley positions, pulley radius, mass of finger link, and spring constant. We show a couple of experiments where the robot parameter is determined based on the dynamic pre-shaping problem.
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