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JurnalAmerican Behavioral Scientist vol. 44 no. 12 (Aug. 2001)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 1552-3381    Year:: 2001    Bulan: 08    Edisi: Aug 2001    
Penerbit: SAGE Publications
Jenis: Journal - e-Journal
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal American Behavioral Scientist]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Framing the Fight : An Analysis of Media Coverage of Female and Male Candidates in Primary Races for Governor and U.S. Senate in 2000, halaman 1999-2013
  2. ''New York, New York'' : Being and Creating Identity in the 2000 New York State Senate Race, halaman 2014-2029
  3. The Web and U.S. Senatorial Campaigns 2000 , halaman 2030-2047
  4. Issue and Strategy Agenda-Setting in the 2000 Presidential Primaries, halaman 2048-2067
  5. Value/Ethical Issues in the 2000 Election, halaman 2068-2081
  6. The Role of Significant Policy Issues in the 2000 Presidential Primaries, halaman 2082-2100
  7. Image, Media Bias, and Voter Characteristics : The Ideal Candidate from 1988-2000, halaman 2101-2124
  8. Disadvantage Al Gore in Election 2000 : Coverage of Issue and Candidate attributes, including the Candidate as Campaigner, on Newspaper and Television News Web Sites, halaman 2125-2139
  9. Running in the Shadows in Campaign 2000 : Candidate Metaphors in Editorial Cartoons, halaman 2140-2151
  10. Campaigning Alone : Partisan Versus Personal Language in the Presidential Nominating Convention Acceptance Addresses, 1948-2000, halaman 2152-2171
  11. Health Literacy : A Nonissue in the 2000 Presidential Election , halaman 2172-2195
  12. The Influence of Format and Questions on Candidates' Strategic Argument Choices in the 2000 Presidential Debates, halaman 2196-2218
  13. Election 2000, the Presidential Debates, and Nader : Would Participation have made a Difference?, halaman 2219-2231
  14. The Front-Runner, Contenders, and Also-Rans : Effects of Watching a 2000 Republican Primary Debate, halaman 2232-2251
  15. Disputed Ballots, Partisan Conflict, and Constitutional Uncertainty : The Election of 2000 in Historical Context, halaman 2252-2268
  16. The Clinton Factor in the Presidential Contest of 2000, halaman 2269-2287
  17. Preference Poll Stories in the Last 2 Weeks of Campaign 2000 : Uses of the Massed Opinions of Numbered Citizens, halaman 2288-2305
  18. The Voter News Service and the 2000 Election Night Calls, halaman 2306-2313
  19. Ending the 2000 Presidential Election : Gore's Concession Speech and Bush's Victory Speech, halaman 2314-2330
  20. Celebrity, Spectacle, and the Conspiracy Culture of Election 2000, halaman 2331-2337
  21. Contrasts in Presidential Campaign Commercials of 2000, halaman 2338-2369
  22. TechnoDistortions and Effects of the 2000 Political Advertising, halaman 2370-2378
  23. The Effects of Party- and PAC-Sponsored Issue Advertising and the Potential of Inoculation to Combat its Impact on the Democratic Process, halaman 2379-2397
  24. The 2000 U.S. Presidential Debate Versus the 2000 Greek Prime Minister Debate, halaman 2398-2409
  25. Issues, Images, and Strategies in 2000 International Elections, halaman 2410-2434
  26. The Candidates' View of the Power of the Incumbency in Campaign 2000, halaman 2435-243

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