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JurnalEducational Technology: The Magazine for Managers of Change in Education vol. 29 no. 11 (Nov. 1989)
Topik: Teknologi Pendidikan; Pendidikan; Media; E22
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0013-1962    Year:: 1989    Bulan: 11    Edisi: Nov 1989    
Penerbit: Educational Technology Publications
Jenis: Bulletin/Magazine - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Educational Technology: The Magazine for Managers of Change in Education]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Tailoring Telecommunications Innovations to Fit Educational Environments, halaman 7
  2. Design Guidelines for CAI Authoring Systems, halaman 12
  3. Some Learning and Instructional Theory Considerations for the Development of Computer Related Instructional Materials, halaman 18
  4. Compuetrs in the Schools: A Diffusion/Adoption Perspective, halaman 20
  5. Expert System in the Classroom , halaman 28
  6. Educational Technology Columnists: Educational Technology in the Schools, halaman 32
  7. Educational Technology in Australia: Origins, Status, Prospects, halaman 35
  8. Rethinking Microcomputer Instruction as Part of Teacher Education Reform, halaman 40
  9. Social Barriers Hinderig Successful Entry of Females into Technology-Oriented Fields, halaman 44
  10. Using the HiperCard Program to Develop a Customized Courseware Generator for School Use, halaman 47
  11. A Practical Approach to Implementing a Formal Education Evaluation Process Within the Corporate World , halaman 52
  12. Applied Educational Psychology: Matrix Notes, halaman 55

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