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ArtikelFrom Rights to Interests: The Challenge of Industrial Relations in Vietnam  
Oleh: Clarke, Simon ; Chang-Hee, Lee ; Do, Quynh Chi
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Industrial Relations vol. 49 no. 4 (Sep. 2007), page 545–568.
Topik: industrial relations; reform; trade unions; Vietnam
Fulltext: 545.pdf (245.22KB)
Isi artikelSince the mid-1990s Vietnam has achieved rapid economic growth based on the attraction of foreign investment within an unchanged political environment. Changing employment relations have presented a major challenge to the rights-based institutional forms of regulation of industrial relations established in the early stages of reform, which have proved slow to adapt to the new circumstances in which disputes are interest-based. The persistence of strikes has led the authorities to pay increasing attention to industrial relations issues, but their approach remains confined within the legalistic framework of the state-socialist era. Trade unions show little inclination or ability to stand up to employers on behalf of their members, while Vietnamese workers show a preference for direct action over representation through bureaucratic industrial relations structures.
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