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ArtikelOn-the-Job Training in Canada: Associations with Information Technology, Innovation and Competition  
Oleh: Zeytinoglu, Isik U. ; Cooke, Gordon B.
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Industrial Relations vol. 51 no. 1 (Feb. 2009), page 95–112.
Topik: competition; information technology; innovation; on-the-job training
Fulltext: 95.pdf (179.2KB)
Isi artikelThis article focuses on the associations between on-the-job training and new information technology, innovation introduced in the workplace, and competition experienced by the workplace. The study uses Statistics Canada’s 2001 Workplace and Employee Survey, a Canada-wide survey of employers and employees. Only about a third of Canadian workers receive on-the-job training. Multivariate results show that innovation introduced in the workplace is significantly associated with providing on-the-job training. To a lesser extent, implementing new information technology and experiencing competition are also positively associated with on-the-job training. Economic growth and prosperity as well as inclusion and equality can be achieved by providing opportunities for workers to learn and develop their skills and abilities. We recommend governments to support workplaces and workers in their initiatives for the broader-focused on-the-job training since it is a social good that will benefit the society as well as the workers and their workplaces.
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