Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 10:27 WIB
ArtikelHybrid Approach To Piping Route Path Design Using GA-Based Inspiration And Rule-Based Inference  
Oleh: [s.n]
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Concurrent Engineering vol. 6 no. 4 (Dec. 1998), page 323-331.
Topik: piping route path planning; genetic algorithm; computer-aided design; expert system; concurrent design
Fulltext: 323.pdf (1.29MB)
Isi artikelA hybrid type of approach to support interactive planning of a piping route path in plant layout design is presented using GAbased inspiration (GBI) and rule-based inference (RBI). GBI is based on an interactive route path plan using a genetic algorithm (GA) approach. The optimization technique of GA generates a prelimmary route path for a piping route based on initial conditions given by a designer The designer evaluates the route path and modifies the path until the final design is formulated through evolution of genes representing the route path. RBI is based on interactive information retrieval and inference for decision-making on the route path, using the results in GBI as well as associative information. The paper outlines our approach and mainly discusses the mechanism of an autonomous route path generation using GA.
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