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ArtikelSynergy Effects Of Sharing Knowledge During Cooperative Product Design  
Oleh: [s.n]
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Concurrent Engineering vol. 6 no. 1 (Mar. 1998), page 7-14.
Topik: concurrent engineering; collaboration; knowledge sharing; synergy effect; cooperative work; cooperative project; product design; Pareto optimum.
Fulltext: 7.pdf (638.75KB)
Isi artikelIndividual designers have a limited range of knowledge, but the scope of such knowledge can be enlarged by sharing information, either among separate groups of designers or among individual designers within one group The possibilities for generating new design solutions which cannot be obtained by an isolated designer, or by the simple addition of knowledge from other independent designers, are first discussed with reference to knowledge sharing in cooperative projects. Possibilities for creating new knowledge come into existence when designers in different fields share what they know. But cooperative work is feasible only when each partner can mutually benefit from sharing their knowledge. Second, a numerical measure for determining the viability of such cooperative work is proposed and practical procedures for determining the viability of cooperative work with designers are constructed. In the proposed decision-making method, synergy effects can be quantitatively evaluated by viewing changes in the Pareto optimum solution sets before and after knowledge sharing. Finally, applied examples of a project to design industrial robots are given to illustrate these synergy effects
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