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ArtikelOntology-Based Multi-Layered Knowledge Framework For Product Lifecycle Management  
Oleh: [s.n]
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Concurrent Engineering vol. 16 no. 4 (Dec. 2007), page 301-311.
Topik: ontology; knowledge framework; knowledge management system; product lifecycle management.
Fulltext: 301.pdf (843.43KB)
Isi artikelThis paper proposes an ontology-based multi-layered knowledge framework for a product lifecycle management. Participants in a product life cycle want to share comprehensive product knowledge without ambiguity or heterogeneity. However, previous knowledge management approaches are limited in providing these aspects. Our knowledge framework has a systematic lattice structure with three product knowledge types and four layers. The three knowledge types are axioms, knowledge maps, and specialized knowledge for a domain. The four layers consist of a product context model, a product specific model, a product planning model, and a product manufacturing model. These layers represent different abstraction levels of the product knowledge conceptualization. Each layer includes the aforementioned three knowledge types in order to accommodate comprehensive knowledge and is represented with first order logic for a uniform representation. We provide formal definitions of the framework to manage comprehensive knowledge according to the proposed knowledge framework. In addition, we develop a prototype system for realization of the framework. The system will help knowledge engineers create, edit, and visualize product knowledge according to the framework and infer new knowledge with a prolog inference engine.
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