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ArtikelModeling The Product Development Process As A Dynamic System With Feedback  
Oleh: [s.n]
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Concurrent Engineering vol. 14 no. 4 (Dec. 2005), page 283-292.
Topik: process modeling; dynamic model; design structure matrix; process evaluation; information feedback.
Fulltext: 283.pdf (212.61KB)
Isi artikelThe modeling of effective product development process can help manage the overall process efficiently and help organize a multifunctional team to develop products in a concurrent and cooperative manner. In this article, a product development process is viewed as a dynamic system with feedback based on the feedback control theory, and a dynamic system model and its design structure matrix are developed. The model and its design structure matrix can be further divided to capture the interaction and feedback of design information. A fuzzy evaluation method is presented for the evaluation of the performance of a dynamic development process; this allows a development process to be optimized based on re-organizing design constraints, re-organizing design processes, and re-organizing designer’s preferences. An example is provided to illustrate the proposed model.
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