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ArtikelA Framework For A Knowledge-Based System For Risk Management In Concurrent Engineering  
Oleh: Caillaud, Emmanuel ; Gourc, Didier ; Garcia, Luis Antonio ; Crossland, Rose ; McMahon, Chris
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Concurrent Engineering vol. 7 no. 3 (Sep. 1999), page 257-268.
Topik: concurrent engineering; design; manufacturing; knowledge; knowledge based system; risk management.
Fulltext: 257.pdf (1.05MB)
Isi artikelKnowledge is a requirement for concurrent engineering, and therefore an approach to capture and organise the different knowledge to be taken into account in concurrent engineering is proposed. This approach, known as the "MEthodology for Knowledge Engineering for Concurrent Engineering" (MEKECE) is a dedicated application of knowledge engineering methodologies to concurrent engineering that involves a combination of case based reasoning and expert systems approaches aimed at managing risk. To manage concurrent engineering specific risks, the knowledge of the different tasks constituting product development must be captured and organised, and information on the causes of risks that have a threshold effect on time and on cost must be available in a convenient form for the participants in the process. The framework of this knowledge based system for risk management in concurrent engineering is presented.
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