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ArtikelDynamic Simulation Modeling Of An Inspection-Based Software Lifecycle Process  
Oleh: Madachy, Raymond ; Khoshnevis, Behrokh
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Simulation vol. 69 no. 1 (Jan. 1993), page 35-47.
Topik: System dynamics; software process modeling; software inspections; software process improvement
Fulltext: 35.pdf (1.24MB)
Isi artikelA dynamic simulation model of an inspection-based software lifecycle process has been developed to support quantitative process evaluation. It can be used in project planning and management, and aid in process improvement. The model serves to examine the effects of inspection practices on cost, schedule, and quality throughout the lifecycle. It uses system dynamics to model the interrelated flows of tasks, errors, and personnel throughout different development phases and is calibrated to industrial data. It demonstrates the effects of performing inspections and other managerial policies. The dynamic effects are tracked throughout the time history of a project to show resource usage, task completions and defect trends per phase. Cumulative metrics and development tradeoffs for decision making are also presented. Several types of validation tests are performed against industrial data, existing theory and other prediction models. The results indicate a valid model that can be used for process evaluation and project planning, and serve as a framework for incorporating other dynamic process factors.
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