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ArtikelComputer Aided Dynamic Analysis And Simulation Of Multibody Mechanical Systems In Autocad  
Oleh: Lin, Shih-Tin ; Lin, Jhy-Hong
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Simulation vol. 71 no. 5 (May 1995), page 328-335.
Topik: Multibody dynamics; Auto- CAD; computer-aided dynamic analysis
Fulltext: 328.pdf (650.16KB)
Isi artikelA general-purpose recursive multibody dynamic algorithm is written and merged into AutoCAD. This merger provides a userfriendly environment for the dynamic simulation of multibody mechanical systems. The recursive formulation provides a computationally efficient way to construct and solve equations of the motion of systems. The input data of the dynamic code can be prepared easily by using the AutoCAD drawing. The output data of the dynamic code can be used to create an animation of the dynamic simulation in AutoCAD.
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