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ArtikelModeling And Parallel Simulation Of Large ATM Switch Fabrics  
Oleh: Ostman, F. ; Lazraq, T. ; Ayani, R.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Simulation vol. 70 no. 1 (Jan. 1994), page 35-40.
Topik: Simulation modeling; discrete-event simulation; parallel simulation; multi-stage interconnection network; ATM switch; data acquisition system
Fulltext: 35.pdf (560.64KB)
Isi artikelSimulation is an essential tool in the development, testing, and performance evaluation of communication systems. In this paper we discuss a practical case where large ATM switches are needed and develop a cell-level simulator to evaluate the performance of such switches. We exploit the conservative time-window algorithm for parallel simulation to reduce the simulation time and resolve the memory limitation problem with sequential machines. We simulate ATM switches of sizes up to 1 k x 1 k ports. A speed-up of 7 using ten processors on a shared-memory multiprocessor is achieved.
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