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ArtikelHierarchical Modeling And Simulation Environment For Intelligent Transportation Systems  
Oleh: Lee, Jong-Keun ; Lim, Ye-Hwan ; Chi, Sung-Do
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Simulation vol. 80 no. 2 (Feb. 2004), page 61-76.
Topik: DEVS formalism; SES/MB; traffic simulation; model abstraction method; ATIS: The Next Generation; I3D2 Transportation Simulation System
Fulltext: 61.pdf (1.14MB)
Isi artikelThis article presents a hierarchical and modular traffic simulation environment for intelligent transportation systems (ITS).A conventional traffic simulation model is classified as microscopic or macroscopic; however, abstraction-level, vehicle-level, cell-level, road-level, and street-level traffic models can be coherently integrated and developed. Such an abstraction process is important for flexible traffic analysis since it reduces the complexity of a model, retaining its validity relative to the modeling objectives and experimental condition. To do this, the authors have proposed the four-layered approach: (1) system entity structure/model base, (2) model abstraction, (3) traffic modeling, and (4) ITS simulation systems layer.A proposed methodology has been successfully applied for building the advanced traveler information system and the advanced traffic management system.The abstraction method of a road network in traffic modeling and simulation will be widely used because it is possible to express and analyze various requirements of the traffic analyst hierarchically and structurally.
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