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ArtikelUsing Raptor To Evaluate Communication System Sparing Strategies  
Oleh: Chambal, Stephen P. ; Mackulak, Gerald T.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Simulation vol. 78 no. 11 (Nov. 2002), page 681-691.
Topik: Reliability simulation of complex systems; generic modeling of communication networks; RAPTOR; analyses of competing sparing strategies
Fulltext: 681.pdf (137.45KB)
Isi artikelSimulation is a powerful tool for evaluating complex systems. RAPTOR (Rapid Availability Prototyping for Testing Operational Readiness) is a generic simulation developed by the Air Force and modified by the authors that predicts reliability, maintainability, and availability (RM&A) performance of systems and components. RAPTOR is uniquely suited for evaluating communication network system reliability, especially systems consisting of expensive components with highly variable availability times. Systems are modeled using a modified version of RAPTOR to compare competing sparing policies to obtain an overall target system availability. The sparing strategies evaluated differ by the order point and delivery time used to populate a common resource pool. The evaluation metric is high-level system availability over the life of the communication system. Alternative options are provided to the company in determining reorder and delivery strategy. This simplified case study demonstrates a strategy selection algorithm incorporating the RAPTOR simulation model.
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