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ArtikelAn Active Networks Simulation Environment  
Oleh: Rao, Dhananjai M. ; Wilsey, Philip A.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Simulation vol. 78 no. 7 (Jul. 2002), page 447-460.
Topik: Network topologies; time warp; verification; validation
Fulltext: 447.pdf (260.45KB)
Isi artikelThe steady increase in size and complexity of communication networks, coupled with growing needs and demands, has motivated the development of active networks. Active networking techniques embed computational capabilities into conventional networks, thereby massively increasing the complexity and customization of the computations that are performed with a network. One of the most effective techniques for studying and analyzing active networks is computer-based simulation, but customized and flexible tools are required to ease effective use of simulations. In an endeavor to address these diverse issues, an Active Networks Simulation Environment (ANSE) has been developed. ANSE provides an environment for modeling, parallel simulation, andWeb-based simulation of active networks. This paper presents the issues involved in the design and development of ANSE and the results obtained from the experiments conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of ANSE. Studies indicate that ANSE provides an effective environment for modeling and simulation of large-scale active networks.
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