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BukuLegal Perspective of Environmental Protection from Nuclear Activity in Indonesia (Paper pada The 18th WIN (Women in Nuclear) Global Annual Conference di Busan-Korea 9-14 May 2010)
Author: Fristikawati, Yanti
Topik: Law--Nuclear Energy; Law No.10 th 1997; Law--Environmental Protection and Management; Law No.32 th 2009; Indonesia regulate--nuclear energy
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: Women in Nuclear     Tempat Terbit: Busan, Korea    Tahun Terbit: 2010    
Jenis: Papers/Makalah - pada seminar internasional
Indonesia is one of the countries that use nuclear energy for peace, because in fact that nuclear energy has positive impact to the people’s welfare and prosperity. Nuclear is a new era in energy, and Indonesia have a plan to built their Nuclear Power Plant in 2012. As a developing country, the use of nuclear power in Indonesia has progressed rapidly, we use it in various fields such as in medicine, agriculture, industry , and research. However, besides its large benefit, nuclear energy also has a negative impact such as a radiation hazard to the workers, the public, and the environment. Regarding to the protection of the peoples and the environment, the use of nuclear energy should be controlled appropriately, and every activity that is related to nuclear energy has to be regulated.
Indonesia has the Law number 10 year 1997 on “Nuclear Energy”, which is regulated the use on nuclear energy for peace, and to protect the environment we have the Law number 32 year 2009 regarding “Environmental Protection and Management”. Indonesia has also signed the agreement with IAEA conducting the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
This paper will talk about how Indonesia regulate the use of nuclear energy, and how to protect their environment from its activities.
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