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Collection Detail
Chip Multiprocessor Traffic Models Providing Consistent Multicast And Spatial Distributions
Tutsch, Dietmar
Lüdtke, Daniel
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Simulation vol. 84 no. 2 (Feb. 2008)
page 61-74.
stochastic traffic modeling
multicore processor
multicast distribution
spatial traffic distribution
Isi artikel
Chip multiprocessors (CMPs) have become the center of attention in recent years. They consist of multiple processor cores on a single chip. These cores are connected on-chip by a bus or, if many cores are involved, by an appropriate network. To investigate how a multicore processor behaves dependent on the chosen network-on-chip topology, a corresponding model must be established for performance evaluation. Modeling and simulating the entire system would lead to high model complexity. Thus, it is more reasonable to exclude the cores and to simply model stochastically the detached network. The cores are replaced by traffic generators which must provide reasonable CMP traffic. It usually consists of multicasts and a particular spatial distribution. Because the traffic is not known exactly, both multicasts and spatial traffic are described as stochastic distributions for model input. The easiest way is to specify the spatial distribution of the traffic and the kind of multicasts independently of each other. However, not all multicast distributions can be achieved with a particular desired spatial distribution and vice versa. It is therefore important to check for the compatibility of the spatial distribution and the multicasts that the modeler is willing to investigate. Such a compatibility check is provided by the algorithm presented in this paper. It prevents inconsistent traffic parameters while modeling.
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