The world goes round and round every day, the civilization has emerged rapidly, and the globalization issue on the importance of being skillful is becoming a must for every person in this world. The competition and hard struggling of life does exist daily, in the office, school, and even in our neighborhood. No matter how smart the person is, if he or she can not cater him/herself with ‘extra’ language, other people and the world outside would not know that person’s talent. Language itself has its own function, it is not only as a tool for communicating to other people, but language does also have a key role in transforming power into right and obedience into duty (Wareing, 2004). Communicating a language is to delegate our thoughts and inspirations. Language is an instrument to deliver out of what we believe by arranging and composing it strategically in our mind. Language is used to gain power and social awareness.Therefore, having competency in more than one language is about to have a greater chance to be more compatible and competed in this globalization era. |