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JurnalCommunication Research vol. 31 no. 2 (Apr. 2004)
Topik: c11; Communication Research
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2004    Bulan: 04    Edisi: Softcopy    
Penerbit: Sage Publications
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Communication Research]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Organizational Members' Communication and Temporal Experience : Scale Development and Validation, halaman 135-172
  2. Topic Avoidance in Developing Romantic Relationships : Associations with Intimacy and Relational Uncertainty, halaman 173-205
  3. Methodological Artifact or Persistent Bias? : Testing the Robustness of the Third-Person and Reverse Third-Person Effects for Alcohol Messages, halaman 206-233
  4. Topic-Relevant Reference Groups and Dimensions of Distance : Political Advertising and First- and Third-Person Effects, halaman 234-255

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