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Validation of Entrepreneurship Intention Scale in Indonesia
Suwartono, Christiany
Riyanti, B.P. Dwi
Confirmatory Factor Analysis
(EN )
Tahun Terbit:
In the theory about intention proposed by Shapero and Sokol (1982), they built a model called Entrepreneurial Event. They adapt the theory of planned behavior that originally developed by Fishbein and Ajzen (1975). From the literature studies, we based our scale development in the model of entrepreneurial event.
We develop 38 items for measuring entrepreneurship intention in Indonesia. In order to measure the entrepreneurship intention construct in three aspects. The first aspect is perceived desirability. Perceived desirability is the belief that people hold about entrepreneurship as a promising and interesting. This aspect assesses the emotional part of the individual toward the entrepreneurship. The second aspect is perceived feasibility. Perceived feasibility is the belief about oneself has ability to be entrepreneur. The third aspect is propensity to act. Propensity to act is the nature within self to react toward entrepreneurship.
We used accidental sampling. The size of our sampling is 403 adults from various backgrounds. The age of participants range from 16 – 61 (M=21.93, SD = 8.53). Around 36.2% is men and 63.8% is woman. We collect this data from several data collection using research assistants.
We did item analysis and validation then assess the reliability if this scale. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for each aspect 0.84, 0.79, and 0.82. The overall reliability coefficient is 0.84. Then we conduct explanatory (EFA) then confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The third aspect was renamed according to its content, we named it corporate appeal. It came out that perceived desirability, perceived feasibility, and corporate appeal were successfully forming a unidimensional scale. The results of CFA not confirmed the presence of a second-order factorial structure of entrepreneurship.
Kajian editorial
Presented at The 3rd APsyA Conference, 7th - 11th July 2010 at Darwin, Australia
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