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BukuExplaining Why We Like Gossip (presented at the First International Conference of Indigenous Cultural Psychology)
Author: Meinarno, Eko A. ; Suwartono, Christiany
Topik: Gossip; Friendship; Influence; Entertainment; Indonesia
Bahasa: (EN )    
Tahun Terbit: 2010    
Jenis: Papers/Makalah - pada seminar internasional
Gossip can serve as social control of one’s behavior. Part of that social control is grew our safety feeling, which fulfill the basic needs of human being (Maslow, 1970). This safety feeling in the process make the individual personality fit with his/her group. Moreover, gossip can be server as social token even barter in economic area (Rosnow & Fine, in Foster, 2004). Stirling (1956, in Foster, 2004) proposed at least there are four functions of gossip. Gossip can serve as source of information, creating or maintaining friendship, influencing things, and for entertainment purpose. In this research, we conduct a survey study to get an overview about gossiping among lay people in Jakarta, Indonesia. Most of our participants came from university student with accidental sampling. There were 250 participants with equal number of men and women, age range 17 – 33 years old (M = 18.58, SD = 1.79). The result came out that there are significant result as the age and two gossip’s dimensions, namely information (r = -.15) and entertainment (r = -.23). All correlations are significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). The older the individual, the less likely he or she using gossip as source of information or entertainment. There are significant differences between men and women in using gossip in information purpose (t248 = -2.15, p = 0.03), friendship (t248 = -2.19, p = 0.03), and entertaining purpose (t248 = -8.03, p = 0.00). From this result, we knew that the participants more likely using gossip as information gathering and entertainment in their young age.
Kajian editorial
An earlier version of this paper was presented at the First International Conference of Indigenous Cultural Psychology, Yogyakarta, July 2010.
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