Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 10:12 WIB
BukuAddressing Tenure and Promotion Challenges for Engaged Scholars
Author: Eschenfelder, Beth
Topik: Tenure Challenges; Engaged Scholarship; Scholarship; Earnest Boyer; Engagement
Bahasa: (EN )    
Tahun Terbit: 0    
Jenis: Article - lainnya
Fulltext: Eschenfelder.pdf (162.07KB; 0 download)
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At the Engaged Scholarship Conference, I would like to explore tenure and promotion challenges surrounding engaged communication scholarship and consider strategies for how scholars and their institutions can update policies and practices to more equitably evaluate engaged scholarship. Certainly, this topic is not new, but as a junior scholar on the tenure track, it?s at the forefront of my mind. Despite the extensive workload and rigor required for engaged communication scholarship, the tremendous benefits to the community, and the rich accounts that can result from such research, engaged scholarship sometimes lacks credibility in academia, especially when a scholar is facing decisions about tenure and promotion. In addition, regardless of effort and soundness of approach, engaged scholarship often is not weighted equitably in comparison to traditional research in tenure and promotion decisions.
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