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BukuStudi Teoritik dan Eksperimental Aspek Teknis Atap FRP Fibrealum Tipe TRIMDEK
Author: WILLY ; Setyanto, Djoko (Advisor)
Topik: Atap Fibreglass; Atap Plastik
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Program Studi Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Unika Atma Jaya     Tempat Terbit: Jakarta    Tahun Terbit: 2009    
Jenis: Theses - Undergraduate Thesis
Fulltext: Willy's Undergraduated Theses.pdf (2.87MB; 23 download)
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: FTM-1882
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
 Lihat Detail Induk
Roof sheets from thermosetting plastic material glass fiber (fiberglass reinforced plastics thermosets) are commonly known as the fibreglass roof is mostly used for the roof of corrosive-resistant, chemical resistant and resistant to flame propagation at various factory buildings, warehouses, and other buildings. These buildings are usually low slope (< 12o). In this final task will be examined with a fibreglass roof FibreAlum trademarks Trimdek profile, whether already
meet the technical requirements of the building or not. Technical requirements are: support hold weight of human and wind load, resistance to flame
propagation. Assessments include the roof of theoretical studies to human stamping load and wind load. Experimental studies were conducted to obtain the characteristics of the roof. Examination of the fast propagation of the roof of the fire is refers to ASTM standards (D 635, D 3801). From the theoretical analysis and experimental results concluded that the FibreAlum roof with Trimdek profile eligible to be able to withstand Load stamping and uniformly distributed load, and in a horizontal position does not propagate flame and also exposure / burst of fire from the outside of the roof, does not cause the roof on fire as a whole.(<12o). Pada tugas akhir ini akan dikaji suatu atap fibreglass dengan merk dagang FibreAlum profil Trimdek, apakah sudah memenuhi persyaratan teknis bangunan atau tidak. Persyaratan teknis yang dimaksud meliputi: kuat menahan beban injakan orang dan beban angin, tahan terhadap perambatan api. Pengkajian meliputi kajian teoritik atap untuk menerima beban injakan orang dan
beban angin. Kajian eksperimental dilakukan untuk mendapatkan karakteristik atap. Pemeriksaan atap terhadap cepat rambat api di atap juga dilakukan
mengacu pada standar ASTM (D 635, D 3801). Dari analisis teoritik dan hasil eksperimental disimpulkan bahwa atap FibreAlum profil Trimdek memenuhi
syarat mampu menahan beban injakan dan merata, serta dalam posisi horizontal nyala api tidak merambat dan ekspos / semburan api dari luar terhadap atap, tidak menyebabkan atap terbakar secara menyeluruh.
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