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ArtikelLeadership kepala sekolah dan tingkat penguasaan guru terhadap materi ujian nasional.  
Oleh: Safari
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional
Dalam koleksi: Jurnal Universitas Paramadina vol. 5 no. 03 (Dec. 2008), page 230.
Topik: Leadership
  • Perpustakaan PKPM
    • Nomor Panggil: J85
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
    Lihat Detail Induk
Isi artikelThe aim of this research is to answer as following two problems. Is the difference between learning experience, age, place of born, and feedback method to (1) principle leadership in national examination preparation, (2) understanding teacher in national examination materials. base on Anova non-parametric of Friedman and descriptive analysis from 121 respondence has been gotten the following result. First, teacher perception to the principle leadership in national examination preparation base on 91) teacher experience (0-10 year, 11-20 year, 21-50 year), teacher age ( 25-35 year, 36-45 year, 46-60 year), (3) place of teacher born (cit, side of city, village), (4) feedback method (praisal, critical, neutral) are significance (value 214, 119; p>0,05). variable teacher experience has higher than other variables (mean 2,34) because mean rank of this variable is smallest than other variable as feedback method (mean 2,51), place of born 9mean 2,53), and teacher age (mean 2,92). Second, teacher perception to understanding of national examination materials base on (1) teacher experience (0-10 year, 11-20 year, 21-50 year), teacher age (25-35 year, 36-45 year, 46-60 year), (3) place of teacher born ( city, side of city, village), (4) feedback method (praisal, critical, neutral) are significance (value 248,700; P<0,05). variable teacher experience has higher than other variables (mean 2,32) because mean rank of this variable is smallest than other variable as feedback method 9mean 2,47), place of born (mean 2,49) and teacher age (mean 2,88). the detail information, please read of this research!
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