The objective of this paper is to create multiple linier regression model which can predict body circumference based on their body width and thickness. The body measurements are head, shoulder, breast, stomach, waist, thigh, knee and ankle. The mathematic model that is produced separate between the model of male and female body circumference. The data was collect from 155 data of Atma Jaya University’s student as sample. The sample consist of 65 males and 95 females. The data was proceed using Minitab 15 to get a mathematic model. The general formula of that mathematic model is Y = a + bX1 + cX2, which X1 is the body width and X2 is body thickness. Based on this research, there are 13 model which can be used. That model are male’s head model, male’s breast model, male’s stomach model, male’s waist model, male’s knee model, male’s ankle model, female’s head model, female’s shoulder model, female’s breast model, female’s waist model, female’s thigh model, female’s knee model and female’s ankle model. |