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ArtikelUsing Approximation With Time-Parallel Simulation  
Oleh: Kiesling, Tobias
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Simulation vol. 81 no. 4 (Apr. 2005), page 255-266.
Topik: Simulation; parallel computing; time-parallel simulation; approximate method
Fulltext: 255.pdf (280.93KB)
Isi artikelTemporal decomposition of simulation models, which is used in time-parallel simulation, is a promising to classical spatial decomposition. It has been successfully applied to a small number of different models, most prominently for the simulation of computer caches and queuing systems. Unfortunately, widespread use is prevented by the state-match problem, which restricts the application of time-parallel simulation. Instead of a correct solution to the state-match problem, this work proposes the use of approximate solutions to facilitate the temporal decomposition of simulation models and to extend the class of models suitable for time-parallel simulation. However, this introduces an error in the simulation results, which might seriously distort or even invalidate results. Therefore, the error must be closely analyzed, and a method of error control must be provided. In addition to the basic properties of approximate techniques in time-parallel simulation, this work presents two use cases that illustrate the introduced concepts.
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