System is a necessity in communication, it getting move so fast in globalization era, where human life and living becoming really wide and fast. Now days, general mobilization nearly high through all around the world, and for less but not least the goods cannot be in the function to be used for our needs. Through times during 1971 coming a hand phone or mobile phone using a technology 1 G, where as a hand phone or mobile phone only can communicate from a voice and sound only. Then, from time to time mobile phone technology with no doubt it moving faster than we thought. This research will be comparing using a smart phone between Nokia type E 71 and BlackBerry Gemini, depends on their usability aspects or getting used to the phone applications to finish all the task where it depends on five basic functions and with one additional functions, where this function only can be used by a smart phone only. Comparison for usability based on dimensions on usability count on ISO 9241 part 11, which are effectiveness, efficiency, also satisfaction users. Besides, it will be also count from learn ability perspective. Effectiveness dimension is a comparison to the length of time which depends on a respondent to finish the task during the time that we settle. Efficiency of dimension is a comparison to the length of speed time to finish the task, total calculation of typing and the mistake or error. Comparing satisfaction dimension itself will be using a questioner preference. This research are doing by 20 respondents, known as the effectiveness, it considering from a first task mobile phone Nokia E 71 is more effective from whole application. Where it considering from the efficiency perspective it will be identify that respondent be able to finish their task with more efficient using Nokia E 71 mobile phone for all hypothesis task. When it observe from respondent preference, will be known that respondent consider that Nokia E 71 is more preferable than Blackberry Gemini. If perceive from their learn ability perspective, BlackBerry Gemini is easier to be learn. Overall, comparison that occurs between two mobile phones is not significant. So, this research will be counting base on each item task. |