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JurnalJAMIA ( Journal Of the American Medical Informatics Association ) vol. 17 no. 3 (May 2010)
Topik: Medical Informatics
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 1067-5027    Year:: 2010    Bulan: 05    Edisi: May 2010    
Penerbit: Hanley & Belfus
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal JAMIA ( Journal Of the American Medical Informatics Association )]
  • Perpustakaan FK
    • Nomor Panggil: J43.K
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. An overview of MetaMap: historical perspective and recent advances, halaman 229-236
  2. Evaluating a scalable model for implementing electronic health records in resource-limited settings , halaman 237-244
  3. Automated evaluation of electronic discharge notes to assess quality of care for cardiovascular diseases using Medical Language Extraction and Encoding System (MedLEE) , halaman 245-252
  4. caTIES: a grid based system for coding and retrieval of surgical pathology reports and tissue specimens in support of translational research , halaman 253-264
  5. Traversing the many paths of workflow research: developing a conceptual framework of workflow terminology through a systematic literature review , halaman 265-273
  6. International classification of diseases, 10th edition, clinical modification and procedure coding system: descriptive overview of the next generation HIPAA code sets , halaman 274-282
  7. An evaluation of medical knowledge contained in Wikipedia and its use in the LOINC database , halaman 283-287
  8. Health information exchange: persistent challenges and new strategies , halaman 288-294
  9. A Framework for evaluating the costs, effort, and value of nationwide health information exchange , halaman 295-301
  10. What should we measure? Conceptualizing usage in health information exchange , halaman 302-307
  11. Clinical decision support implemented with academic detailing improves prescribing of key renally cleared drugs in the hospital setting , halaman 308-312
  12. Cognitive work analysis to evaluate the problem of patient falls in an inpatient setting , halaman 313-321
  13. The disclosure of diagnosis codes can breach research participants' privacy , halaman 322-327
  14. Social networks and physician adoption of electronic health records: insights from an empirical study , halaman 328-336
  15. Evaluation of family history information within clinical documents and adequacy of HL7 clinical statement and clinical genomics family history models for its representation: a case report , halaman 337-340
  16. A preliminary look at duplicate testing associated with lack of electronic health record interoperability for transferred patients , halaman 341-344
  17. Electrodiagnosis support system for localizing neural injury in an upper limb , halaman 345-347
  18. WTW—an algorithm for identifying “who transmits to whom” in outbreaks of interhuman transmitted infectious agents , halaman 348-353

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