Anda belum login :: 19 Feb 2025 00:10 WIB
BukuModifikasi Algoritma Bee Colony untuk Permasalahan Penjadwalan Flow Shop
Author: SUGIJOKO, ANDRE ; Hidayat, Trifenaus Prabu (Advisor)
Topik: Algoritma Bee Colony
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Unika Atma Jaya     Tempat Terbit: Jakarta    Tahun Terbit: 2010    
Jenis: Theses - Undergraduate Thesis
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: FTI-570
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
 Lihat Detail Induk
In competition of the industrial world today requires increased productivity. One of the problems is the increased productivity of production scheduling. Production scheduling is an important task in terms of improving machine utilization, and reducing cycle time. Production scheduling can be solved using a heuristic approach. One of the heuristic approach is Bee Colony Algorithm. Bee Colony Algorithm is a custom application of bee colonies in search of flowers. Bee Colony Algorithm has usefulness in the search for solutions to complex problems such as scheduling. In this study proposed a modification in Forgaging level. The proposed modification is to use simple scheduling which commonly used. The function purpose of the research is minimizing makespan. Application for modification Bee Colony Algorithm using case from PT. ANUGRAHPRIMA PERDANA. Based on application modification Bee Colony Algorithm, modification in Forgaging level will make proces in waggle dance level uneffective, because solution from Forgaging level already optimum.
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