Database research on the human body dimensions are specifically not been done in Indonesia, specially for body dimensions of primary school age children. Namely the age of 7-12 years, divided into six lasses based on school level and the two sexes, namely male and female with all the dimensions of the human body is measured as much as 39 dimensions of the body. Dimension of the human body should be noted that with respect to the size dimensions of the human body at the time of product design, will lead to the use of convenience products in the study of this data base, measurements were taken directly to the schools in the municipality area of Jakarta. Statistical tests are the tools in this study in order to get the Database of human body dimensions. Statistical test used is the normal distribution test and tests of significance (comparison). As for the software used SPSS statistical tests. In addition using statistical tests, data processing is also done in order to obtain the output of this study objectives.Data processing in addition using statistical tests and SPSS also done using Microsoft Excel.The values of the output of this research is Average (mean), Standard Deviation (SD), and Percentiles.To get the Average and Standard Deviation used SPSS, while the percentile used for Microsoft Excel with a Formula Statistic. Percentile values are sought is 1%, 5%, 10%, 50%, 90%, 95%, and 99%. Based on a normal test result is obtained conclusion that all the data obtained body dimensions normal distribution. As for tests of significance between the dimensions of height and body height popliteal, there are some significant differences, namely the height dimension of children aged 9 years, 11 years and 12 years old. Also high on the dimensions of popliteal children aged 7 years, 11 years old, and 12 years. |